Posts filed under ‘Mexican folk art’

Oaxacan Wood

SONY DSCI haven’t posted about my love of Mexican folk art in a while. I guess I’m still in mourning since my favorite store for Mexican folk art went out of business. Now I lust over the fabulous wood carvings from Oaxaca that my new favorite online shop features. Sandia Folk Art. Every time their new email pops up in my inbox, I stop what I’m doing to peruse and dream. They offer the best sculptures. I want almost every single one they sell.  So far I have been good and resisted the temptation to add a few to my collection. But I feel my strength diminishing. I’m afraid I’ll be clicking and adding to my shopping cart soon. Here’s a couple of pieces from their latest email that are calling my name. Enjoy.


May 16, 2013 at 8:04 pm 1 comment

Dia de los Muertos Show Photos

Heather Hansma, the fabulous artist and curator of the Dia de los Muertos show at the Starkweather Arts Center has been posting photos from the show to her Flickr account. I’ve only posted the couple images where you could see my Gato de Frida Kahlo. There are lots of great photos of fantastic works over at Heather’s Flickrstream and on her blog. Do yourself a favor and go check it out. If you click on the pictures here, you will be taken to her Flickrstream to see the larger size and the rest of her photos. Enjoy.
Artwork in Day of the Dead show at Starkweather Arts Center

The Hand in the Ocean

October 10, 2011 at 6:48 pm Leave a comment

VW Bead-le

I saw these photos on both boingboing and Artdaily. You know how much I love Huichol art. This is cooler than cool. I wish I could see it in person. Amazing. Once again the Huichol amaze me with their talent and patience.

The text accompanying the photo on both sites is: PUEBLA.- People look at a 1990s Volkswagen Beetle named Vochol during an exhibition on Huichol culture at the Museum of Puebla, near Mexico City August 10, 2011. The name Vochol, was conceived from a combination of Vochoa popular term for Volkswagen Beetles in Mexico and Huichol, a Mexican indigenous group. The car was decorated by indigenous craftmen from the Huichol community living in the states of Nayarit and Jalisco, using traditional beads and fabric. According to local media, the work will be auctioned after its exhibition in Paris and Berlin next year, with proceeds going to the Huichols. REUTERS/Imelda Mediana.

Love it. Love, love, love it.

UPDATE: Thanks to commenter alex4pointo on boingboing, here is link to the artists and link to the symbolism

August 12, 2011 at 7:04 pm 2 comments

I Wish I Wish

Oh how I wish I had lots of money and no day job. Because if that was true, I’d be heading down to Oaxaca, Mexico, to celebrate the Dia de los Muertos and visit the studios of the Oaxacan artists whose work I adore. Here’s just one of the web sites with itineraries I dream of:

There are many other sites all offering fun and interesting trips as well. I picked this tour because they offer artist studio tours. There are way too many other possible tours to list. Ask Mr. Google. But do click on this link and you will be whisked to the tours’ Flickr group of fabulous photos.

Every year on November 1st I wish I was in Oaxaca. Someday.

October 21, 2010 at 8:26 pm 1 comment

Day of Kitty Dead

I made this fabric collage to honor all the cats I’ve known and loved over the years which are sadly no longer with me. I utilized the visual themes of the Day of the Dead, the Mexican holiday in early November that honors and celebrates the deceased. Meow.
day of kitty dead

This fabric collage wall hanging is now available in my Etsy shop.

September 28, 2010 at 3:52 pm Leave a comment

Frida’s Gone To Pieces

I love my Frida bowl. I bought it 14 years ago from a Mexican vendor at the grand opening celebration for the first Dart rail station in Dallas. And for the last 14 years it has graced our dining room table with its simple beauty. Occasionally, one of our cats will curl up and nap inside the bowl. Last night, some unidentified member(s) of our feline family decided that it was time for a new bowl. I found Frida in pieces this morning on the floor.

I gave up looking for another one on the web today. Too many Fridas, none in bowls. If anyone out there reading this should know where to find another, I’d appreciate the information.


August 5, 2010 at 1:33 pm Leave a comment

More Mexican Folk Art

full width huichol painting copyA few weeks ago, Mike and I wandered into a local resale/antique mini-mall type store to peruse a friend’s booth of records, cds, etc. Right next to his booth, I spied a multi-colored intriguing large wood panel with what looked to be yarn comprising the imagery. Like my Huichol yarn painting.

detail birdSo of course I got a little closer to the panel, I actually got real close to the panel to inspect what was indeed a Huichol yarn painting on plywood.

A large panel, it measures 49″ wide by 24″ tall. If you’ve read my blog before, you know I have a thing for Huichol art so you already know that I snapped that painting right up.

I love the imagery, it’s as if the small figures from the yarn painting that I already have have been enlarged onto this painting. I haven’t hung it in the house yet, right now it just sits on an easel in my studio for inspiration.
detail face

August 4, 2009 at 7:13 pm 3 comments

Huichol Beaded Necklace

image by kreimermusic

image by kreimermusic

Back in March, Mike and I went to the Dallas Guitar Show. I’ve been to the show many times before, even worked a booth there a few years ago. Mike not only plays guitar, he sells them. He’s a manufacturer’s representative for Godin Guitars. So we basically live in guitar world. Therefore, a trip to a guitar show is not usual for us. Discovering fabulous Huichol art at a guitar show, well, that is very unusual.

There was a booth set up for the Hermes Music Foundation. They had on display several guitars that were beaded by Huichols, some beaded guitar straps and some fabulous beaded necklaces. A television was playing the story of the Huichol people and explaining how the foundation was helping with aid of huicholesfood, supplies and musical instruments.

There was a photo of a wonderful beaded guitar that was given to Carlos Santana. It was spectacular. The guitars on display were available for purchase/a donation. But, unfortunately, it was well beyond our financial comfort zone. Although we both agreed a Huichol beaded guitar was just what our Huichol collection needed, we also acknowleged the money thing. We didn’t have enough to splurge on a beaded guitar.

huichol necklace 01But we did have enough to purchase this wonderful necklace and it not only hangs on display in my bedroom, I get to wear my Huichol art out into the world. The skill and talent of the Huichol people always amazes me.

huichol necklace 02huichol necklace 03

June 24, 2009 at 3:53 pm 1 comment

Mexican Lacquer

trunk-purple-bedspread-01In previous posts I have noted that Casa Mexicana is my favorite Mexican folk art store in Dallas. I desire to own almost everything they sell. In my dreams, I have a much larger house completely filled with artwork from their shop.

A few years ago, one of the coolest pieces that I had my eye on actually came home with me thanks to my fabulous husband Mike. I loved the shape and colors of this trunk and it caught my eye every time I visited Casa Mexicana. It was months before I got really close and examined the trunk, I didn’t want to raise the lust levels. When I finally gave in and peered closely, I couldn’t believe what I saw, cats!trunk-purple-bedspread-01-closeup-red-circle Imagine that. Me liking something that had cats involved and I didn’t even realize that at first. (more…)

January 18, 2009 at 8:27 pm 8 comments

Mexican Folk Art

Here’s another piece from our Mexican folk art collection. This is one of Mike’s favorites, he bought it for me from our favorite Mexican folk art store here in Dallas, Casa Mexicana. If you look closely, you’ll notice that this painting is created from yarn. Another Huichol masterpiece. Mike likes the whole psychedelic aspect of the painting. I am intrigued once again by the process, just as I am by the Huichol beaded work I wrote of recently. I love the imagery. The colors are fabulous and speak to my love of all things bright and bold. The yarn painting is 23″ x 23″ which is a standard size for this work. I just can’t imagine having the patience to apply the strands of yarn one by one to build the image. Huichol art never ceases to amaze me. (more…)

June 8, 2008 at 3:20 pm 15 comments

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I crochet, sew, draw, paint, paper mache, embroider, shoot photos, play piano, sing and have a graphic artist full time job. But not all at the same time.
Headquartered in Dallas, TX.

Drop me a line.



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