
October 29, 2007 at 6:07 pm 6 comments

I went browsing today on looking for a calendar for my kitchen and maybe my studio. Probably get one for my office as well. I found way too many that I liked. I’ll have to narrow the candidates, I’d have a calendar in every room and the garage if I got all these that I like. What do you think? Any of these jump out at you? Go browsing and see how many you come up with. Let me know of any really cool ones I missed. I’ll add it to my list.huichol.jpg

The first one that caught my eye was of Huichol beaded images. I have a Huichol beaded jaguar head and its fabulous. So this is a top contender. Staying with the Mexican art theme, I like the Botero and Chicano calendars as well.



Humor is always good for a calendar, and there’s no shortage of choices. My favorites for funny are the Get Fuzzy comic strip calendar, a very funny looking one called It’s A Cat’s World And They Know It and Living The Good Life – The Dog Enlightenment Guide

get-fuzzy.jpg cats-world.jpg dog-good-life.jpg

I may decide to get this Crochet page a day calendar for my desk at work, but on second thought, I probably won’t get much work done if I do cause I’ll be daydreaming about all the crochet projects I’d rather be doing than looking at teeth.


There is one calendar that I want, but I have mixed feeling about. Its The Out Of Office Countdown marking the days till Bush is gone. One, I can’t stand to look at the guy. He just bush-over.jpgmakes me cringe. Two, of course I can’t wait till he’s out of office, but remember, I live in Dallas and word is he’s headed here. Great. Just what I want. But I probably don’t have to worry about running into him. I figure he’s not about to come see The Big Guns play or check out any art galleries, so I should be safe. But still……

Entry filed under: art, cat, crochet, dog.

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6 Comments Add your own

  • 1. macati  |  October 30, 2007 at 3:25 am

    oh, I know what you mean with calendars… in the recent years it’s been harder to choose the “one”…

  • 2. Alex  |  July 13, 2008 at 11:13 pm

    Fernando Botero is a Colombian artist, not Mexican.

  • 3. phaskins  |  July 14, 2008 at 7:14 am

    oh Alex, you are so right. how could I have let that slip right by me. I guess it is the subject matter and colors that evoke Mexican feeling that led me to misidentifying Botero. please excuse my mistake.

  • 4. maria  |  April 9, 2009 at 3:52 pm

    People really need to do their homework when they post things. Fernando Botero is NOT MEXICAN!!! He is a Colombian artist. In fact his art has NOTHING to do with Mexico, it is not even influenced by Mexican art. Hopefully one day people in the US will realize that not everything south of the border is Mexico.

  • 5. Alex  |  August 23, 2009 at 2:35 pm


    Your attitude may not help educate people. And if you do your homework, you will find that the political nature of Botero’s art was influenced by Diego Rivera, a well known Mexican artist from Guanajuato (and husband of Frida Kahlo).

    Patty, I am glad you have an interest in Latin American art, and I am sorry that others take things so “personally.”

  • 6. Air Purifier :  |  October 26, 2010 at 7:43 am

    i love to visit art galleries both home and abroad, art has been my life–‘


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I crochet, sew, draw, paint, paper mache, embroider, shoot photos, play piano, sing and have a graphic artist full time job. But not all at the same time.
Headquartered in Dallas, TX.

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